"The values of kindness, respect and faith that are so embedded in the school's daily life have greatly influenced their development and have set a solid foundation for their future."


St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Chalfont St Peter - Admissions Policy

We are currently consulting on the Admissions Policy for St Joseph's Catholic Primary School and propose a change to the oversubscription criteria, with the addition of number 5 below: 

Oversubscription Criteria: St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School  

  1. Looked after and previously looked after children, including those who have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted (see note 2).  
  2. Baptised Catholic children who are resident in the relevant parish(es) for whom the school is the nearest Catholic school (see notes 3 & 7) and who have a sibling (see note 4) attending the school at the time of admission. 
  3. Other Catholic children (see note 3). 
  4. Siblings of other children of the school roll at expected time of admission. (see note 4) 
  5. Children of teachers* at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School who have been employed at the school as a Teacher for more than two years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made.
  6. Children of other Christian denominations supported by a priest or minister of religion. 
  7. Children of other Christian denominations without support from a priest of minister of religion.  
  8. Children of other faiths. 
  9. Any other children.  

Within each of the categories listed above, the following provisions will be applied in the following order.

  1. Where evidence is provided at the time of application of an exceptional social or, medical need of the child which can most appropriately be met at this school. (see note 6). 
  2. Siblings of children who will be on the school roll at the expected date of admission.  
  3. Children who have attended St Joseph’s pre-school. 
  4. Proximity of the child’s permanent address to school (as the crow flies). 

 *Teachers are full or part time individuals employed as teachers holding Qualified Teacher Status.

The full document is available below: 


Consultation dates: 29 November 2023 to 10 January 2024.

Any comments should be sent to consultation@stcat.co.uk.