"We are particularly grateful for the sense of community that Holy Family School has instilled in our children. This sense of belonging and the strong moral values imparted by the school are gifts that will stay with them throughout their lives. "

Our Staff

Headteacher: Sara Benn (DSL)

Deputy Headteacher: Clare Doyle (DDSL)

Teaching Staff:


Clare Forrest

Emma Herring


Elizabeth Scott (EYFS Lead)

Denise Harris

Year 1:

Louise Hume (Assistant Headteacher)

Sanam Iqbal

Year 2:

Debbie Powell (KS1 Phase Leader)

Claire Hendy

Rosaria Williams

Year 3: 

Rose Kukla

Mia Mae Macfarlane

Marie Martinez

Year 4:

Monica Evans  

Chloe Dardis (Y3&4 Phase Leader)

Eloise Green

Year 5:

Trish Fox (Y5&6 Phase Leader)

Deana O'Reilly

Year 6:

Sally Ragg

Sarah Caswell

Clare Doyle

Jean Dodwell


Louise Clarke (SENDCo & DDSL)

Ben Israel (PE)

Marie Martinez (Computing)


Teaching Assistants:

Alina Jasko

Mary Healy

Carol Palmer

Bobby Keogh

Sandra Hogg

Michelle Woodley

Julie Lynch

Debbie Mulrooney

Helen Crow

Helen Wheeler

Melissa Conlon

Wendy Wilson

Marta Remfeld

Ciara O'Neill

Sue Basquil

Paula Kelly

Joanne Forsdick

Amina Qureshi

Natalie Birch

Aneta Uka

Kamal Dhaliwal

Lesley Henriquez

Beata Mangaram

Admin Staff:

Sue Fletcher-White (Business Manager)

Carole Gonoud

Emma Oakes

Helen Mynett (Admissions)

Bethany Chandler (PA to the Headteacher)

Premises Support Staff:

Edward Thercaj (Caretaker)

Gabriela Madeja

Lorraine Ellis-Callow

Chloe Ellis-Callow

Damian Cybis

Afua Ampem

Kasia Hamiga Blaszak

Asia Szlezak

Agnes Piatek

Tita Cromie